Steel construction: advantages and disadvantages
Date:2019-08-23 View(s):1112 Tag:construction steel
Since the Industrial Revolution, steel is the star material in construction. Resistant, flexible and very durable, architects and engineers found in this material infinite possibilities to expand and perfect their art. Whether it is part of reinforced concrete or by itself, steel floods both private and commercial buildings and public buildings. It is easy to know why.
The modern and contemporary aspect of steel is one of the easiest features to appreciate but its striking exterior is accompanied by many intrinsic qualities that make steel a popular material. Its high strength allows the steel to be used as a beam since, adding a relatively small weight to the structure, it allows to support many tons in return. Steel is a uniform material and its characteristics remain stable over time, so the constructions that use this material are much more durable than those based on wood or concrete without reinforcement, in addition to all this, steel is a ductile material so it can withstand large deformations (for example, those due to weight) without breaking or yielding. The possibility of forming structures with ease by joining several pieces and their reusability are other characteristics highly appreciated by builders and engineers.
Among the disadvantages of using steel are the need for specialized labor to work with it, the initial economic cost as well as the maintenance cost and the problems arising from corrosion if it is not taken care of properly.
Nevertheless, steel is an indispensable material. Increasingly refined, steel products and their derivatives are both the present and the future of construction.
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